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Letter: Reader does not like masks


I know a lot of people who actually have to work hard for a living in these factories where if its 85 degrees or 90 degrees or hotter are having trouble breathing. I can’t imagine. I worked in a factory where if it was that hot outside it was about 130 degrees inside, hard enough to breathe without a mask.

Come on people, use your brain for some things besides a hat rack. Our bodies have a mouth and nose for a reason, to keep oxygen moving to our lungs and brains. To me, this mask mandate is absolute abuse in its own right. Easy to talk when you don’t have to deal with it. Germaphobes must be dancing in the streets these days.

How long is this stupidity going to go on? We will either deal with this or not. If you listen to so-called experts, it’s here to stay. Find a cure or shut up about it. In this modern day this should not be so hard.

After all, those protesting in the streets every day and night seem to be doing all right.

Robert McRoberts