
Annual plant exchange set for Sept. 30


The annual plant exchange sponsored by the Master Gardeners of Montgomery County will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 30 in the exhibit hall at the Montgomery County 4-H fairgrounds.

The event is open to the public for trading plants with others and club members.

Even if you don’t have a plant to trade, you are welcome to come find something special. There will be a selections of perennials, small trees, shrubs, ground covers, succulents, house plants and possibly some hard-to-find plants not normally seen locally.

There also will be demonstrations on separating perennials and succulents, gently used gardening tools, yard art, pots, gardening books and more available for trade.

“The annual plant exchange last year was my first one to attend since moving to Montgomery County,” said Sheri Bethard, a 13-year Master Gardener and president of the local group. “I was pleasantly surprised at the number of people who came to trade plants or to find those ones they might have been looking for but unable to find.”

The Master Gardeners of Montgomery County is a non-profit organization of gardening enthusiasts who enjoy making a difference in the county. Members receive training through Purdue University Extension Office. They are taught a variety of horticulture subjects to better prepare them to meet the needs of home gardeners and the community. Members are continually furthering their education and knowledge, so they have the latest information to share with others.

For more information, email or check their Facebook page Montgomery County Master Gardeners,