
Band to perform patriotic tunes


The Montgomery County Civic Band will perform its patriotic playlist at 3 p.m. Sunday in the gazebo at Lane Place.

As always the band will open the concert with the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner.” They will then perform “American Patrol,” “Declaration and Flourish,” “1812 Overture,” “King Cotton March” and a patriotic sing-along.

Amanda Ritz will lead the band in playing of the “Armed Forces Medley” while long-time band director Gary Ketchum distributes gifts to veterans in attendance.

The band will then play “America the Beautiful.”

The hour-long concert will end the same way as they all do with children having the opportunity to direct the band during “Stars and Stripes Forever.”

Concert-goers are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket. Free-will donations will be accepted.

Additional performances will take place July 21 and Aug. 4.