
Board approves repairs to CHS tennis courts, gym


Repairs are planned for the tennis courts and a gymnasium floor at the high school.

On Thursday, the board of trustees for the Crawfordsville Community School Corp. approved two separate bids — one to repair six of the 11 tennis courts at Crawfordsville High School and another bid to repair the high school’s gymnasium floor.

The bid for the tennis courts was in the amount of $42,950 from Outdoor Court Specialists, while the gymnasium floor was for the amount of $35,800 by Floor Care Concepts.

The board also approved two policies, one regarding reference checks for employment candidates and a policy pertaining to homeless students and their enrollment rights and the services the CCSC can provide them.

The Employment Reference Check policy is required by Indiana law and has already been a practice done by CCSC.

“The school board desires to hire personnel whose background and behavior exemplify appropriate standard for individuals working with children,” the policy states.

The outline for the official policy explains the process and the use of Reflynk for acquiring and documenting reference checks. Those reference checks are kept on file.

The Homeless Students Enrollment Rights and Services ensures that homeless students have access to enrollment and school services, along with transportation.

The policy defines homeless students as followed:

• Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;

• Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;

• Living in emergency or transitional shelters;

• Are abandoned in hospitals;

• Living in public or private places not designed for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodations for human beings;

• Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations or similar settings; or

• Are migratory children living in conditions described in the previous examples.

In other business, the board:

• Approved dispersement of the Early Literacy Achievement Grant funds to K-3 teachers and instructional coaches that have been responsible for implementing and delivering literacy and reading instruction to students. This is the second year the grant has been in place, rewarding schools and teachers for improving students’ reading skills.

• Approved the resignation of Trevor Mickle, an eighth grade teacher at Crawfordsville Middle School.

• Approved a temporary contract for a replacement fourth grade teacher, Larry Hutchinson, at Hoover Elementary while the current teacher is on maternity leave.

• Appointed appointed Kent Minnette and Susan Albrecht as the president and secretary of the Board of Finance. The annual meeting for that board was conducted prior to the regular school board.