
Bowers, Wilkins earn Silver Award


Anna Bowers and Brooklyn Wilkins, members of Girl Scout Troop 4383, have earned the Girls Scout Silver Award.

The award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette (grades 6-8) can earn and requires a minimum of 50 hours per girl to complete.

Bowers and Wilkins called their project “Take What You Need, Leave What You Can.” They both had an interest in helping the unhoused population during the winter. Together the girls planned, designed and built a donation box to leave at the Recovery Coalition in Crawfordsville. Inside the box they left fleece hats for both adults and children that they sewed as well as personal hygiene kits for those in need.

While sewing hats at their meetings, Bowers and Wilkins were able to talk with younger Troop members about the Silver Award and taught them how to make hats. The junior girls in the Troop have now started their efforts to earn the Bronze Award with hopes of earning their Silver Award when they are of age.

The girls also hope to inspire others in the community to consider donating clothes or other items, such as hygiene items and nonperishable foods, in their box for the unhoused population.

Those interested becoming a  Girl Scout should all Girl Scouts of Central Indiana at 317-924-6800 for more information.