
CCSC board receives project update, approves truancy policy


Members of the school board discussed a number of topics Thursday.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Brent Bokhart announced that construction of the new administration building, which is being built near the high school, is a few weeks behind its original timeline.

It was originally estimated to be done by February 2025, but Bokhart reported there has been some delay in the process. The completion date is more likely to be in March or April 2025.

The board approved two budget plans, a bus replacement plan and the capital projects fund plan.

The bus replacement plan outlines the district’s intent to replace specific buses over the next five years.

The capital projects plan was an approval of expenditures expected to be made over the next three years. These expenditures include school equipment like laptops and other technological equipment, funding for building repairs, school copiers and purchasing new buses.

The board also approved a policy regarding habitual truancy. The policy defines habitual truants as students who have 10 or more unexcused absences.

It states: “All students who are at least 13 years of age but less than the age 15, and who are determined to be a habitual truant per the definition, are subject to Indiana law, which provides that any person who is a habitual truant as defined by school board policy cannot be issued an operator’s license or learner’s permit until the age of 18 years, or until the student’s attendance record has improved as determined by the principal upon review of the student’s record of at least once per school year.”

There is flexibility with the policy when considering extra-curricular activities. Students would be allowed to participate or continue in extra-curricular activities or co-curricular per administrator approval. Exceptions can be made for students depending on their situations.

Superintendent Dr. Rex Ryker announced that Congressman Jim Baird and State Rep. Beau Baird will be visiting Hose Elementary for Leaders as Readers on Oct. 18.

In personnel matters, the board:

• Accepted the resignations of Susan Sizemore, Willson teacher aide; Kierra Robinson, CMS instructional aide; and Jaclyn Potter, Nicholson second grade teacher.

• Approved the employment of Dianna Verhey, Willson Preschool aide.

In other business, the board:

• Learned the Max Brummett was named a National Merit semi-finalist.

• Approved a request for the choir to travel in the spring of 2025.