Trustees for the Crawfordsville Community School Corp. moved forward with funding a proposed three-year capital projects plan.
On Thursday, school officials conducted the second of two required public hearings regarding the corporation’s intent to seek a $2 million general obligation bond. The funds would be used to make various site improvements and to purchase buses.
“We’ve discussed before the challenges of our operations fund that are present with our low assessed value and meeting the operational and maintenance needs of our facilities,” said Dr. Brent Bokhart, assistant superintendent. “This project will allow us to address necessary improvements to school facilities, including deferred maintenance, HVAC improvements, roofing improvements, site improvements and purchase buses.”
Last month, the board shared during the first required public hearing that in the first year of the capital projects plan the corporation will install a charging station for two electric buses that will be purchased with a federal grant; improve drainage on the high school baseball field; install playground equipment at Willson Preschool Academy and Hose Elementary; and make parking lot and sidewalk improvements at Hoover Elementary.
In the second year, the corporation will devote funds to improving the high school field turf; repairing cracking on the high school tennis courts; and replacing carpet and improving security measures in the front office of the middle school.
Lastly, the plan includes a bus replacement schedule.
Bokhart added that the timeline for the project will run through the spring of 2026.
Business Manager Andrew Nicodemus said the anticipated net increase to the non-exempt debt service fund will be zero. A bond used for the renovations at the high school has been repaid, so this project is considered tax neutral.
No public comment was received related to the project or the bond.
This month’s spotlight on excellence was on several student artists whose work will be on display at the corporation’s administrative office.
Art teachers selected work they believed should be framed. Frames were then purchased with money from the John and Kathy Steele Fund. Dr. Kathy Steele is a former CCSC superintendent, local artist, and mother of a professional artist. She was in attendance to congratulate and encourage the students to continue creating art.
Students recognized include seniors Ellie Jeffries, Aleyah Jones; sophomores Nicolai Alfrey, Melany Monterrosa and Lili Yeung; eighth-grader Gabby Barrera; seventh-grader Arabella Himes; fifth-graders Nora Carlson and Vera Gobel; third-grader Jayma Susdorf; second-grader Elizabeth Ryker; first-grader Kiley Douglas; and kindergartner Abigail Olmstead.
In personnel matters, the board accepted the resignations of Brittany Cooper, Director of Elementary Education, and Kensy Cavanaugh, Hoover receptionist.
The board approved the employment of Kylene Simpson, West Central administrative assistant; Jordan Chandler, mental health services coordinator at CHS/CMS; Aaron Keller, CHS assistant; Chase Justus, CTE workbase learning experiences coordinator; Katie Jerden, CTE administrative secretary; Chyna Galloway, CTE student success coordinator; Cynthia “Shelly” Hunt, Hoover special education aide; Kamdyn Patton, Hoover life skills aide; Aravis Lynd, temporary contract to cover maternity leaves at Hose and Hoover elementary schools; and Audrey Brierly, Hoover teacher’s assistant.
In other business, the board:
• Approved Mishler Dental as the corporation dentist and Dr. Patel of Proactive MD as the corporation doctor.
• Approved the agreement with the city of Crawfordsville for the district’s two School Resource Officers. The school corporation will pay the city $50,000 for each officer.
• Learned school meal prices will remain unchanged from last year.
• Granted a utility right of way easement with the city for the construction of a new sanitary sewer system along State Road 47, north of the high school. Access will be paved from the current fire lane behind the high school to what will be a fenced-in brick building. Trail access toward Grant Avenue will be a part of the project. Bids will be let this fall with construction slated for spring 2025.
• Approved a federal grant allocation for Title I funding in the amount of $667,566.
• Approved a School Technology Advancement Account application in the amount of $46,500 to help purchase computers and software for the Athens Virtual Academy.
• Accepted three bids from Otto’s Parking and Marking Co. of Greenwood. The first bid is for $19,347 to seal and re-stripe the high school parking lot; the second bid is for $23,438 to make repairs in the front parking lot and sidewalk at Hoover Elementary; and the third bid is for $23,043 to make repairs to the front parking lot at Hose Elementary.
• Learned most utility hookups at the new administration building are complete, and some construction fencing will soon come down. Also, the slab is poured and walls and hallways have been marked. Walls will soon be going up.
• Learned toddler playground equipment for Willson Preschool Academy will arrive July 25 and preschool playground equipment at Hose Elementary will arrive July 26. Furthermore, construction for the infant and toddler space is complete and the remaining rooms and office area have new flooring.
• Received a draft of a three-year strategic plan for review. Further discussion will take place during the board’s upcoming retreat on July 29.