County commissioners receive historic award


Montgomery County Commissioners received an award from the Indiana Association of County Commissioners on Tuesday. The legislators were recognized for outstanding team effort for a board of commissioners for their work on the county’s first-ever comprehensive plan.

Former Commissioner Phil Bane, along with current commissioners, Dan Guard, Jim Fulwider and John Frey, were on hand to accept the award. Below is the presentation script read at the event recognizing the commissioners for their work:

“The commissioners adopted the county’s first comprehensive plan with finesse and persistence this year after two years of public education, public meetings, public comments, and written correspondence from citizens. To compliment the comprehensive plan, they adopted their first ever zoning ordinance for the unincorporated areas in their county three months later after a favorable recommendation from the county plan commission.

“This comprehensive plan will allow the vision of their community to come to life. This county has deep roots in agriculture and history that drive the character of their community. The welcoming towns that make up the county are small but full of community spirit and pride. As the county moves forward, acknowledging the past was an important factor in creating a successful future. Their comprehensive plan will be a living document for communities to refer to as they make strides for the future. This document will be a roadmap on how to achieve a shared community vision for their county. Their newly adopted comprehensive plan will help underline county resources, issues, assets, and weaknesses. A lack of planning could have led to missed opportunities and undesired consequences in the future. Their county comprehensive plan aims to secure a vibrant, sustainable future for the county.

“The county zoning ordinance was designed to promote the conservation of property values throughout the unincorporated areas of the county by establishing general regulations to promote orderly development, enhancing development standards, mitigating conflicting uses, and protecting land owners from a loss of use with development and will promote responsible development and growth by requiring review of changes in use which could adversely affect transportation and other infrastructure, drainage, schools, economic development, enjoyment of use of land, and other relevant factors.

“Because of these amazing accomplishments the Montgomery Board of County Commissioners, Jim Fulwider, John Frey and Dan Guard deserve to be recognized for their achievement as the “2019 Outstanding Team Effort for a Board of Commissioners.”