Montgomery County legislators recently received appointments to serve on interim study committees, which will meet throughout the summer and fall to explore policy issues and work together to identify solutions.
Legislators will hear testimony from the public, various experts and stakeholders as they work on bill recommendations ahead of the budget session in January.
State Rep. Jeff Thompson (R-Lizton) will serve as chair of the Budget Committee, Interim Study Committee on Fiscal Policy, Interim Study Committee on Pension Management Oversight, and the State and Local Tax Review Task Force. He will also co-chair the Funding Indiana’s Roads for a Stronger, Safer Tomorrow Task Force, and serve on the Distressed Unit Appeal Board, Indiana Stadium and Convention Building Authority, and the Medicaid Oversight Committee.
“From reviewing outcomes of our workforce development programs and how we can properly invest in our infrastructure, to keeping Medicaid financially solvent while ensuring Hoosiers who need the program have access, lawmakers will tackle some major issues to dive into this interim,” Thompson said. “Our goal continues to be maintaining a balanced budget with responsible reserves while funding our priorities and doing what’s right by Hoosier taxpayers.”
State Rep. Sharon Negele (R-Attica) will serve as a member of the Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code, the Interim Study Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications, the Legislative Council, and the Legislative Council’s Audit and Financial Reporting Subcommittee.
“From reviewing updates on state utilities to investigating trends in criminal behavior, sentencing, incarceration and treatment, this year’s study committees are taking a closer look at tough issues,” Negele said. “I am excited to collaborate with the state’s experts and fellow legislators on the topics that concern Hoosiers most.”
State Rep. Beau Baird (R-Greencastle) will serve as a member of the Interim Study Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.
State Rep. Mark Genda (R-Frankfort) will serve as a member of the Interim Study Committee on Commerce and Economic Development.
The 2024 legislative interim study committee assignments and other legislative appointments for House members can be found here. Click here for the list of study committee topics. Committee hearings, which typically occur at the Statehouse in Indianapolis, can be viewed live online on the General Assembly’s website located at