Carmine Azzato was the speaker at Rotary. He still works with Sports World with Digital connections, but because of the COVID-19, he is doing a new ministry call “Hitting the Pavement.”
Most of his time is spent in California doing Christian outreach in the cities. Most of his contacts have been drug dealers and the homeless, who have given up their way of life, to live a Christian life. (He also gave a long list of many others reached). He said the politicians who closed the churches caused the crisis of people who are lost and without hope to go up dramatically.
Azzato said the ministry goes out in the areas most affected by the problems of the lost and hopeless. He said they have stepped in and are doing the outreach in the absence of the closed churches, to help those who are in need, and at the same time, telling them about the love of Christ.
Since November 2020, Azzato has had 7,000 people turn their lives to Christ and give up their old ways of drugs, theft etc.
Azzato was an active local member of the Crawfordsville Rotary, but because of his job relocation, he now an honorary member. He was professional wrestler, (retired due to an ankle injury) before he worked for Sports World.
One of Rotaries upcoming events is the Gold outing fundraiser at the Country Club. We are still looking for golf hole sponsors and teams to play. Contact Chuck Dixon at Tri-County Bank for more information.