
Donations needed to bring cheer to local families


Crawfordsville High School’s Sunshine Society is still seeking donations from the community for its annual Cheer Certificate campaign.

CHS’s Sunshine Society launched its 113th Cheer Certificate campaign in late November with the goal of raising $18,000. Last year the group raised $14,388.

As of Friday, the fund had collected $2,152.

The program asks for financial donations from the community and uses the funds to help families in the community by providing certificates that can be redeemed for groceries at Kroger in Crawfordsville. The certificates range in value based on family size.

Krystal Rogers, Cheer Certificate Chair and a Special Education teacher at the high school, helped the campaign when she was a student at CHS.

“I see a lot of families in our community who do struggle. And I know the benefit of giving back,” Rogers said.

Donations to the campaign can be made in honor of or in memory of family or friends or made anonymously.

The donation form is published regularly in the Journal Review and also available online at www.journalreview.com.

Donations will be accepted through mid-January and should be sent to CHS Sunshine Society, P.O. Box 243, Crawfordsville, IN 47933.

Recent donations made to the campaign include: $50 Roger and Becky Dice in memory of our loved ones; $40 Christian friend in memory of family; $100 anonymous;
$20 from family in memory of Betty Caruer; $50 Jerry and Janet Rusk in memory of their parents; $50 anonymous in memory of the Johnson and Tebbe Family; $100 anonymous; $20 Donna Kahle in memory of loved ones; $50 Gary and Rosy Hart in memory of Gerald and Jane Hart and Charlie and Lena Blanton; $25 Art and Jeanie Buck in memory of their parents; $100 Marilyn Janzaruk in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Janzaruk and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Richardson; $30 Brad and Linda Weaver in memory of Betty Rightsell; $100 anonymous; $50 Lyle and Dorothy in memory of their parents; $300 anonymous in memory of Ed Misch, Loretta Misch, John Miles and Betty Miles; $100 Cook/Dubler families in memory Barbara and Delynn; and $50 anonymous.