The Dorothy Q Chapter, NSDAR, met April 20 at the Elston Memorial Home. Several Dorothy Q daughters were present, with one guest.
Rita Kirkpatrick, filling in for Regent Michele Borden, called the meeting to order. She welcomed all members in attendance and introduced Janet Luton, our guest today. We proceeded with the opening ritual, and a patriotic song.
Linda Miller read the President General’s Message, and Ericia Church delivered the National Defender Report on Sybil Ludington, a 16-year-old female Paul Revere who made her historic ride April 26, 1777.
Rita then reminded us about Creed Day which is April 3 and spoke of its importance to our country.
Historical Notes: The American’s Creed was a result of a nationwide contest for writing a National Creed, which would be a brief summary of the American political faith founded upon things fundamental in American history and tradition. The contest was the idea of Henry Sterling Chapin, Commissioner of Education of New York State. Over three thousand entries were received, and William Tyler Page was declared to be the winner. James H. Preston, the mayor of Baltimore, presented an award to Page in the House of Representatives Office Building on April 3, 1918. The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the commissioner of education of the state of New York accepted the Creed for the United States, and the proceedings relating to the award were printed in the Congressional Record of April 13, 1918. It was a time when patriotic sentiments were very much in vogue. The United States had been a participant in World War I only a little over a year at the time the Creed was adopted.
Referring to the Creed, Page said: “It is the summary of the fundamental principles of the American political faith as set forth in its greatest documents, its worthiest traditions, and its greatest leaders.” His wording of the Creed used passages and phrases from the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and Daniel Webster’s reply to Robert Y. Hayne in the Senate in 1830.
Rita also spoke of ‘Patriot’s Day’ which is April 19th. Patriot’s Day is a state holiday in Massachusetts commemorating the first battle of the American Revoluiton on April 19, 1775, Lexington and Concord — the first shot fired of the American Revolution.
Rita asked Terri Fyffe to read the minutes from our last meeting on March 16. There was one name correction noted. Rita asked for a vote to approved the minutes as corrected. Vote passed.
Rita asked Rachel Brown, Treasurer, to present the treasurer reports. Upon presentation, the reports will be filed for audit.
Cares & Concern: Please remember Gay Eagleston who had back surgery, and Linda Miller upon the loss of her brother.
Sharon Southern gave a conservation committee report. Recycling saves natual resources, energy, lessens air polution, wasting water, and land fills are reduced. There are many local recycling locations. Please find one convenient for you and practice conservation daily.
The next committee report was by Jan Bridge for the American Indians Committee. She reported on :
Zitkála-Šá, (Red Bird)
Born: Feb. 22, 1876, Yankton Reservation, SD
Died: January 26, 1938 (age 61 years), Washington, D.C.
Sa was a Yankton Dakota writer, editor, translator, musician, educator, and political activist. She was also known by her Anglicized and married name, Gertrude Simmons Bonni. Zitkala-Ša has been noted as one of the most influential Native American activists of the 20th century.
Rita called upon Rachel Brown to bring up a vote on presenting a $50 check to Michele Borden as our outgoing Chapter Regent to be used towards a DAR pin of her choice. Rachel Brown moved and Sharon Southern seconded to have the chapter make this award. Motion passed.
Next was the slate of officers from the Nominating Committee. They had been unable to add a name for Recording Secretary, so Terri Fyffe volunteered to fill this position.
The slate for the next year, 2024-25, beginning in June is:
Regent: Ericia Church
1st Vice Regent: Michele Borden
2nd Vice Regent: Rita Kirkpatrick
Chaplain: Sharon Southern
Recording/Corresponding Secretary: Terri Fyffe
Treasurer: Pam Rager
Registrar: Susan Fisher
Historian: Terri Fyffe
Librarian: Susan Allen
VIS Chapter Chair: Terri Fyffe
Rita asked that all in favor of accepting the slate as presented say Aye. Vote unanimous.
Rita introduced Shannon Hudson, who is presenting her program on ‘Underground Railroad Research’ in Montgomery County. You may find her books on the subject at the Public Library. She spoke today of many notable local personages and how they participated in various ways to help slaves escape to a better life. John Speed, Isaac and Maria Elston, Robert Hopkins, Mariah Gates Patterson to name a few, and the AME Church which was established here in Crawfordsville in 1847. She shared documentation from the CDPL on the 1851-1853 Blacks & Mulattoes Registry of Montgomery County wherein they were required to register and have a white person sign for them.
May meeting will be a week earlier due to State INDAR Conference — May 11
Jodie Wilson will give a program about submitting artifacts to the local public library.
Memorial service will be in May
Hostesses: Sharon Southern and Melody Davis
You may still buy a memorial brick in the Veterans Memorial Park
State Conference will be May 16-18
Rita read thank you notes from our DAR Citizen candidates, Jessica Bradley, Southmont, and Brent Runyon, North Montgomery. Jessica also addressed a thank you note to the Blaine Norton Memorial Foundation for the bags and candy that accompanied their Good Citizen Award papers and pins.
Our thanks for today’s hostess committee: Pam Allen, Susan Allen, Jan Bridge and Linda Wilson.