
Dorothy Q Chapter NSDAR


The Dorothy Q Chapter NSDAR met Sept. 21 at the Elston Memorial Home. Twelve Dorothy Q daughters and one guest present — Susan Fisher, Registrar, introduced our guest — Pam Endicott. Ericia welcomed all to the meeting and hoped everyone had had a great summer. Ericia mentioned that Gary Ketcham, formerly the director of the Civic Band will offer a program later in the meeting.

Ericia led us in the opening ritual and then the Pledge of Allegiance. We also recited The American’s Creed, the Preamble to the Constitution, sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” and finished with the INDAR Indiana Flag Salute.

The President General’s Message was read by Jan Bridge. Member’s Only Website ­— message may be found at:

The National Defender Report was on Voting Rights Milestones in America: A Timeline

August 2, 1776 – Declaration of Independence Frames Voters’ Rights; June 21, 1778 – Voting Left to States;

July 9, 1868 – Citizenship Granted to All US-Born and Naturalized; February 3, 1870 – Black Men Granted Right to Vote; August 18, 1920 – Women Get the Right to Vote; June 2, 1924 – Native Americans Granted the Right to Vote; 1943 Chinese Exclusion Act Ends-had been in effect since 1882; March 29, 1961 – Washington, D.C. Residents Can Vote in Presidential Elections; January 23, 1964 – Poll Taxes Banned; August 6, 1965 – Voting Rights Act; July 1, 1971 – 18 and Up Can Vote; August 6, 1975 – Rights for Non-English Speaking Voters; June 29, 1982 – Voting Rights Act Extended; September 28, 1984 – Voting is Made Accessible; May 20, 1993 – Voter Registration Through DMVs; October 29, 2002 – Help America Vote Act; June 25, 2013 – Voting Rights Act Walked Back – public site-many entries

Constitution Week – Sept. 17-23 each year –

The DAR initiated the observance in 1955, when the service organization petitioned the U.S. Congress to dedicate Sept. 17-23 of each year to the commemoration of Constitution Week. Congress adopted the resolution, and on Aug. 2, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into Public Law #915. The celebration’s goals are threefold: to encourage the study of the historical events that led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787; to remind the public that the Constitution is the basis of America’s great heritage and the foundation for its way of life; and to emphasize U.S. citizens’ responsibility to protect, defend and preserve the U.S. Constitution.

DAR Schools — Rachel Brown reminded us that we can support underserved and at-risk students especially at Kate Duncan Smith school by tracking Box Top for Education points through an app and assigning them to the school. We can support our chapter by assigning our Kroger points to Dorothy Q Chapter NSDAR.

Secretary’s Report – Terri Fyffe – Terri had sent the June minutes via email and asked that they be read prior to today’s meeting. For the meeting she asked if there were any corrections or additions. Finding none, Susan Fisher moved, and Rachel Brown seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Correspondence – Terri Fyffe – read a very nice thank you card with picture included from the General Lew Wallace Museum for our contribution to their ArchiCamp held earlier this summer. Also enclosed were two cards from student participants stating how much they enjoyed the camp.

Susan Fisher — read an equally nice card from the Veedersburg American Legion for our gift to them due to the community’s participation in our Military Banner Program.

Treasurer’s Report — Rachel Brown filling in for Pam Rager — Rachel went over the report. A CD had come due and had been temporarily moved to our savings account. Terri Fyffe moved, and Susan Fisher seconded to move that entire amount of the matured CD into a CD that Pam had found paying 4.94%. Motion passed. Pam Allen moved, and Jan Bridge seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Motion passed. It will be filed for audit.

Pam had also sent word that the Indiana State Regent and the Indiana State Treasurer have asked all chapters to become incorporated due to legal issues. Pam Allen moved, and Susan Allen seconded to give permission to Pam Rager to pursue the details of this. Motion passed. It will require input and review from officers before the application paperwork should be filed.

Rita then came forward to install the Chapter’s new Chaplain - Pam Allen.

Registrar’s Report – Susan Fisher – At this time we have four prospective new members. A welcome letter and invitation to our meetings has been sent to each. We also have a new transfer member. Patty Linn is transferring from the Carolyn Scott Harrison Chapter in Indianapolis. Susan needed a motion that we accept this new transfer. Pam Allen moved, and Barb Taylor seconded. Motion passed.

DAR Project Patriot — Coupons — Susan Allen — please continue collecting coupons and bringing to our meetings to be sent to various military bases.

Military Banner Report — Susan Fisher — she informed us of 2024-2025 banner sales. Outstanding!

Attica — 31 banners

Covington — 49 banners

Crawfordsville — 32 banners

Veedersburg ­— 48 banners

Great work (and quite a bit of it) by Michele Borden, Judy Fifer, Trudie Dillon, and Susan Fisher!

Care and Concerns for members with health issues and September birthdays were discussed next.

New Business ­— Rachel Brown (former chapter treasurer) presented a motion to give permission to Pam Rager (current treasurer) to pay some incidental bills without advanced permission from the Chapter. Not for equipment or large amounts, but regular expenses incurred by members or officers in their work for the chapter. After discussion, Rachel moved, and Jan Bridge seconded. Motion passed. Terri Fyffe had a bill for reimbursement for a $15 table rental fee for Fall Forum, and Rachel smiled and said, “first one.”

America 250! ­— an initiative of NSDAR and INDAR to encourage chapters to find various ways to support our beloved country’s upcoming 250th Birthday!

NSDAR has been awarding $500 grants to individual chapters upon application with details about a project in relation to America 250! After several ideas and a few disappointments, our committee (Susan Fisher, Rachel Brown, Michele Borden, Terri Fyffe) reached a decision and will proceed with having one of our Real Daughter’s tombstones {Elvira Layton Mortimer Layne} restored. It is leaning badly and on a slope that is eroding. Susan was trying to find a project and remembered the last time we went to Old Hickory Cemetery Elvira’s tombstone was badly in need of restoration. Susan and Rachel are working on the grant application. Susan asked Terri to check with monument companies, and Michele is checking with the Brown Township Trustee. When Terri contacted monument places, she sent the history of our Real Daughter. Allen Monument said they would go and check on the tombstone and get back to her, but that it would be $675 to lay a foundation for the stone. Charlie Allen said he would let Terri know total cost after he saw the stone, but that they liked to help on community projects. When Charlie called back, he said it could definitely be fixed. Charlie had talked it over with Randy Allen after he saw the area. Allen Monument likes to help out on local community projects, and they liked the idea of fixing this tombstone of a Real Daughter — meaning Elvira’s actual father had served in the American Revolution. Allen Monument offered to fix the stone if we would pay the $675 and they would absorb the rest of the expense. The Dorothy Q Chapter of NSDAR is very grateful to Charlie and Randy Allen for their generosity. We are now all working towards the goal of restoration.

The chapter had taken an electronic vote earlier in September to authorize the $675 check to Allen Monument. Michele tallied 14 votes to do this. Motion passed and fee paid.

Additionally for the America 250! Celebration, Susan is recommending we order a large America 250! Commemorative flag to fly from the west end of the front porch of our chapter house, with two garden commemorative flags for next to sidewalks. Jan Bridge moved and Pam Allen seconded to spend chapter funds to make these purchases. Motion passed.

Terri Fyffe next spoke about the America 250! magnets that Terri and Susan designed and received approval to purchase in June. This is a fundraiser for our chapter. When the magnets arrived from Tim Weberding Woodworking, the committee of Susan, Terri and Michele agreed that they were so outstanding we thought we needed more for the Fall Forum of INDAR. The Chapter had paid the initial order for 100. The three ordered 50 more with them paying until they might get approval from the Chapter. The bill for the extra 50 is $183.13. Rachel Brown moved and Rita Kirkpatrick seconded to pay this bill from chapter funds.

Terri then brought up that Lane Place and the Montgomery County Historical Society is hosting a Trunk or Treat for kids 3-5 p.m. Oct. 27. We were asked if we would like to have a table and hand out candy for the kids. Susan Fisher moved to participate, and Terri Fyffe seconded. Motion passed. Any member wishing to participate may do so and may donate candy. Bring a lawn chair and the candy.