Montgomery County 4-H Fair

Duo ends decade-long 4-H career at dog show with overall showman title

Mason Cass, with long-time partner Duncan, was named overall showman at the dog show.I
Mason Cass, with long-time partner Duncan, was named overall showman at the dog show.I
Evelyn Zachary

Eager pups and dedicated handlers filled the arena at the Montgomery County Fair 4-H dog show on Tuesday, with several promising duos vying for the top spot in showmanship and obedience competitions.

For the showmanship competition, Mason Cass, 10-year 4-H and Krazy K-9s dog club member, left the ring as overall showman with long-time partner Duncan at his heel. The pair have competed together for all 10 years of Cass’s 4-H career, and their bond is visibly inseparable.

“In the beginning, Duncan and I didn’t work the best together,” Cass said. “He was just a puppy and I was just a little kid. But over the years we’ve practiced, worked and played together, and now we work together like SEAL Team Six.”

Over the past decade, Cass and Duncan have attended weekly dog club practices, competed in both obedience and showmanship competitions, and even mentored Mini 4-Hers throughout the summer. Through Krazy K-9s’ Mini 4-H summer mentorship program, Cass had the opportunity to mentor two K-2nd graders, working with Duncan to teach them skills ranging from caring for their pets to obedience commands.

“It’s been amazing to see these kids that are just curious about the program gain the knowledge and confidence to do it themselves,” he said. “It has been incredible to see their enthusiasm for it and I cannot wait to see what they accomplish within the project.”

As his 4-H canine career came to a close, Cass reflected on his final milestone as overall showman.

“[Winning] felt really amazing,” he said. “It felt like my years of hard work and practice finally paid off, and it was amazing to get to do that with my best friend.”

Division champions for the showmanship competition, from which the overall showman is chosen, were the following: Mason Cass and Duncan, senior; Maggie Gilliland and LuLu, intermediate; Henry Rosen and Millie, junior.

For the obedience competition, handler Isabella Barry and her miniature poodle Amber won champion overall. Class champions were the following: Mason Cass and Duncan, veterans; Mallory Leach and Gracie, class 2B; Isabella Barry and Amber, class 2A; Henry Rosen and Millie, class 1B; Amelia George and Bess, class 1A.

Between the two competitions, this year’s show saw 20 youth and their pets in the arena. Amy Cox, leader of the Krazy K-9s 4-H dog club, acclaimed the handlers’ dedication both in and out of the ring.

“We had 22 training sessions over the summer ...  It’s a huge time commitment, that’s for sure,” Cox said.

She also observed the impact that learning how to care for and train their pets in a community environment has had on youth within the club, commending the connection dogs foster between youth and people in general.

“We have some kids that are extremely shy and introverted, but dogs tend to be that bridge that really connects people. These are kids that don’t even know each other, but you put a dog in with them and it’s like they’re best friends.”

In addition to hosting showmanship and obedience competitions at this year’s dog show, the fair also sponsored its first ever canine queen. Nine-year member Mallory Leach holds the inaugural title. She and her pup Gracie took home the titles of reserve champion senior showman and champion 2B obedience.

The fair also hosted an agility competition as part of the dog show, which took place July 12.