Club News

Flower Lovers Garden Club


On Dec. 4 at 11 a.m., the Flower Lovers Garden Club met at the Crawfordsville Country Club for the annual December luncheon. The lunch included beef and turkey sliders, fruit, vegetable and broccoli soup, salad and Caesar salad as well as a wonderful assortment of pies. Each table was decorated with a beautiful poinsettia which were given to members after lunch.

New officers for 2025 were installed. They are president, Karen Cook; vice president, Janet Hook; secretary, Mary Lou Dawald; treasurer, Nancy Bowes; Historian, Kezia Blackwell; and Editor of Perennially Yours: Janet Hook.

Cook gave gifts to the outgoing officers. She then drew numbers for gift cards.

Bowes was presented the Golden Shovel award to acknowledge her service to the club.

New officers will meet Jan. 6, 20 and 27 to plan the 2025 agenda.

Each member received a number to determine what order they could choose a gift from the gift table. Each member brought a gift. If someone wanted a different gift, it could be traded for another one. It’s called the Dirty Santa exchange. Lots of beautiful gifts were opened and many laughs from Dirty Santa.

There will be no meetings during January and February. The next business meeting will be the first Wednesday in March. It will be a business meeting. The 2025  member books will be passed out and new business discussed. Another year in the books for the Flower Lovers Garden Club.