Town News

Hillsboro Town Council


The meeting was opened at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 13, with the Pledge of Allegiance led by President Ed Moyer. All board members were present.

A motion to approve the Aug. 9 administrative meeting minutes as written was made by Dwaine Bowling and seconded by Jody Fishero. Motion carried. A motion to approve the Aug. 9 meeting minutes as written was made by Bowling and seconded by Fishero. Motion carried.

Old Business: The two nuisance violations were discussed and both were abated.

Council Members Reports: Moyer reported he is still working with INDOT on the ADA issues on Main Street’s business district. The work on the internet at the police station is tentatively set for Tuesday. The two ordinances (2021/2) brought before the board died for lack of a motion. One was to regulate if having fowl in town was acceptable and the other was to prohibit completely having fowl in town. Ordinance 2021/3 was presented with the change of four reserve police officers to six.  Motion was made by Fishero and seconded by Bowling. Motion carried.

Clerk/Treasurer Report: Angie Golia reported the APRA grant has been received by the town. Now the board must develop a plan for exactly how it will be spent and submit it the fund grantors. Every penny must then be spent exactly as written in the plan with receipts for all of it. The board will write up a plan to be adopted. Community Crossings grant has not notified the clerk as to whether Hillsboro will receive it. No word yet on the SWIF grant. No word yet on the storm water grant.

Utilities Superintendent Report: Tom Fishero reported the water tower cleaning will probably be sometime in October. During that time the tower will be empty of water and the town will experience low water pressure. When the exact date has been set, the information will be posted on the town’s website. He is also waiting on some parts for repairs for another piece of equipment at the sewer plant.

Town Marshal Report: Scott Rainey reported that TJ Golia is one of the two new reserves. The other one will have to be trained before becoming active, which will take approximately two months. The noise complaint received about one residence has been taken care of.

New Business: Angie Golia reported several new nuisances had been reported to her. These four premises are being sited for unsafe area, junk, trash and/or debris. Jody Fishero asked that if you have complaints, please call or talk to a board member. Board members are the ones who are able to take the appropriate action to resolve issues. The clerk and treasurer can only take information from you but they have absolutely no authority to fix the problem. They are more than willing to listen and pass the information along, but board members are the responsible ones who can act/reply. Rainey reported the tasers are old and he would like to replace them. He asked permission to send the old ones back and received it. Tom Fishero said that IDEM needed some wellhead protection information.  Moyer has the letter and will file the info. Tom Fishero informed the board he will be out of town Oct. 1-5 and that he is arranging for someone to fill in for him during that time. He also reported that due to some back and shoulder surgery he has had, he is not capable of doing leaf vacuuming. Because of the way our truck is set up, it really should have two people doing it. He asked if the fire station renovation funds were in the budget because the grant the fire station was hoping for did not happen and they have some repairs they need to make to the ceiling. He was told they may have a little but it had not been put into the new budget. Angie Golia will check to see how much is available. Angie Golia reported dates to remember are budget hearing at 6 p.m. Sept. 27. The budget adoption will be at the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 11. Both meetings will be in the town gall. She informed the board that a banking error on a deposit of $76.84 had to be switched between the water account and sewer account. Paws and Claws contract is ending Oct. 19.  CFL and Paws and Claws were discussed by board and citizens. The contract adoption will be done next month. Trick or treat hours will be 5-8 p.m. Oct. 31. Angie Golia distributed copies of the proposed salaries for 2022. They will be voted on at the December meeting. ILMCT conference for town clerks and treasurers is Nov. 7-11. Angie Golia and Jessica Elkins will be going if it does not get canceled. Angie Golia read the claims and Bowling motioned and Jody Fishero seconded it. Motion carried.

Citizens attending Blake Nickle, Amelia Nickle, Dave Nickle, Cliff Wrede and Ashley McHone were allowed time to discuss their topics. This covered sheep, chickens, cats and town events.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.