God's Good News For Today

Is there still hope?


America is in trouble and what America needs is a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. I believe America needs a great revival. America has had five great revivals in our history that changed our nation when we turned to God. The first great awakening was in 1730-40’s with Jonathan Edwards, well known for the sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” along with John and Charles Wesley and George Whitfield. Our nation repented and was renewed in our relationship with Jesus Christ, blessing from God touched America.

The second great awakening came in the 1820-1850s, Charles Finney preached fiery messages of repentance in meeting that last for months. He instituted the “crying bench” where people made public commitments to Christ. This brought about the anti-slavery movement, the temperance movement, women’s rights, the Salvation Army and the YMCA. Again our nation was renewed.

The third great awakening was form 1875 to 1885. The Civil War ends in 1865, and the great Chicago fire happened in 1871. People felt their human vulnerability and the need for the Lord Jesus. D.L. Moody started a Bible study for street children in the 1850s. Adults began to flock to his teaching, even President Abraham Lincoln attends to hear for himself. Moody starts the Moody Church and Bible Institute. Ira Sankey was the notable hymn writer. Millions hear Moody call for repentance and faith in Christ and to be prepared for the return of the Lord. Again, America renewed her faith in God.

The fourth great awakening was the Azusa Street Revival beginning in Los Angeles form 1906-1915. This was the birth of the Pentecostal movement or Holiness movement. The focus was upon being separate from the world system in rebellion against God’s will and Biblical teachings. This revival focused on the church unity, bringing together Black and white, rich and poor, male and female. Again America was touched and moved by preaching and the spirit of God.

The fifth and last great awakening was called the Twentieth Century Revival from 1910-1970s. Large American cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and Chicago were changed. Billy Sunday, a professional baseball player turned evangelist is powerfully used with the gospel message beginning in 1907. He preached to over 1.8 million people across America in month-long meetings until his death in 1935. Billy Graham then comes onto the scene in 1949 and held hundreds of great crusades for Christ. Millions came to Christ. America was touched and drawn back to God.

Would you read 2 Chronicles 7:14? Could God be working toward revival now? A chance for our nation to return to God? May our hearts be open and seeking. May we all pray to God. Mayor hope be in Him. Let God use you to be His witness.


Dr. David Bouler of Global Faith Ministries, Chattanooga, Tennessee, contributed this column to the Journal Review. He can be reached by email at debouler@aol.com.