
It’s time to start looking for big trees


The Indiana Department of Natural Resources needs the public’s help to update The Big Tree Registry, a list of the largest known specimen of each native tree species in Indiana.

“Indiana’s currently tallest recorded tree is a 152-foot-tall bitternut hickory, and our widest tree circumference is a silver maple at more than 361 inches,” said Jacob Roos, DNR urban forestry director. “We need help getting out across the state to find our new record-setting trees.”

That means it’s time to review the recently updated champions list and start looking for new candidates to nominate for the list, which is maintained by DNR’s Division of Forestry.

Three measurements are required:

• trunk circumference, in inches, at 4 1/2 feet above the ground;

• total height, in feet;

• and average crown spread, in feet.

The total size of each tree nominated is calculated by adding the circumference and height to a quarter of the average crown spread.

The individual tree of each Indiana native tree species with the highest total points will be that species’ Big Tree champion. All nominations are reviewed, but only those with the highest scores will be verified.

To review the updated Big Tree Registry, view detailed measurement instructions and nominate, see