Ladoga students raise $1,000


LADOGA — A “coin war” fundraiser at Ladoga Elementary resulted in $1,000 raised within two weeks earlier this month.

The funds were then donated to the Ladoga Community Fund and a Canner family affected by a recent house fire.

How did students manage to raise $1,000 in such a short amount of time? One explanation lies with a unique incentive from administrators: Principle Sonna Schafer and Kyle Myers, physical education teacher, would kiss a pig if the students met their fundraising goals.

“In the past we collected canned foods for the community fund, but this year we decided to do a coin war where students could bring in any kind of money, not just coins,” Ladoga Elementary School Secretary Leann Wood said. “If they raised $1,000, they would have a pig for the principle and gym teacher to kiss.”

Two “squealing little piglets” were brought to the school by area farmer Shawn Thompson, allowing Schafer and Myers to make good on their promises during a convocation Jan. 10 celebrating the fundraiser’s completion.

“Most of the teachers ended up kissing the pig, too,” Wood said, adding that the students met their goal of $1,000 before learning of the house fire. It was then students and administrators decided to divide the donation between the Community Fund and the affected family.

Ladoga Elementary hosts multiple fundraisers throughout a given school year. From canned-food drives before the holidays to coin wars in the spring, there are many ways to donate for those interested.

To learn more about Canner fundraisers, and to make a donation to the affected family, contact Ladoga Elementary at 765-942-2203.