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Letter: President fends off attacks from all sides


I have read with interest and watched news feeds on television and one thing is certain, people love bashing the President. I am one of millions who voted for Donald Trump and since he was elected, he has been fighting a battle with both parties and the press.

Our country was on a downward spiral before the 2016 election and not putting another politician in office was first and foremost on voters minds. Both parties have done nothing to bring this country back to where we were before eight years of President Obama. On the other hand, President Trump set forth to “make America great again” and even though he was battling the Democrats at every turn, and many RINO’s from his own party, he forged ahead and was doing a great job until this virus came about. However, I’ve read where the economy is gaining again.

I grew up in a time when you were taught to show respect, first at home, at school, in public, and especially for the President. For the last few years respect has been thrown out the window, especially when President Trump is the target, and with untrained children, of all ages, watching what is going on respect is a past subject.

The President is not a racist as many are trying to say. Check and see how many people of different races he has working, and many in executive positions. He is not against women’s rights, again check his record.

We are facing hard times if the other party gets their candidate in office. It won’t be for long, as even he slipped up and said at one of his rallies, but the America as we know and grew up in will quickly vanish.

I would not want President Trump’s job because I’m afraid I would have blown early on. He only seems to have support from a few who are close to him and the voters who put him in office. Think about all the violence, name calling and lack of respect this man has endured, and to not accept his salary to boot, could you stand and do it?

Joe Dodds

New Market