Your View

Letter: Reader responds to recent letter


Mark Allen has asked us to boycott businesses and several news organizations. He alleges they are not presenting factual content and are trying to silence half of all American voters. I invite him to explain how these businesses and news organizations are doing this.

I also invite him to list, in simple transparent language, conservative principles that the Republican Party is promoting that the Democratic Party are attempting to silence. For instance, Allen mentions child labor used by some companies. I have never owned any Nike merchandise for that reason. No liberal, leftist, socialist or any person aligned with the Democratic Party would ever condone the use of child forced labor. PBS is one of the most balanced sources in the country. Listen to the daily newscast on WBAA and you will hear representatives of both parties roasted in interviews. As to factuality, I invite Allen to provide documented examples of the lies he alleges.

Many of Allen’s suggestions are good common sense. Amazon is not always cheaper. Many of the companies sell merchandise that is not made in America and is overpriced. I have long promoted a “Buy America” mentality. Supporting local banking companies is good for the community.

Dan Booher
