Your View

Letter: Reader worried about local solar issue


I recently learned about the solar panels and am looking to attend any and all meetings regarding it as it’ll directly impact the land that surrounds me.

This causes health concerns for my family, my animals and the environment.

Plus, I moved from Greenwood/Indianapolis area to live in rural Montgomery County, not solar panel fields. If pushed, I will be actively seeking to leave the county and I would assume others will too.

Why is Montgomery County so pro this versus keeping our land natural/farm ground? Since moving here eight or so years ago I’ve watched forests just be decimated for the sake of profit.

Go into Parke County and other surrounding counties and you can find forests thick of trees, natural species and wildlife. Not only is it appealing to residents but also tourists. Makes me think if Shades State Park wasn’t protected, “leaders” would already have sold it out to a corporation.

As a younger transplant to the county and with a young family there’s not a lot appealing to staying here. My husband’s family has roots here, we have a business established here and that’s what keeps us but the actions of “leaders” makes us question what the long term will be.

I feel mixed feelings as I watched our “leaders” at the last meeting about the wind energy. They spoke to citizens like they were second class, barely listened to them, one specific one had the nastiest tone, and it was clear their minds were made up before the vote even came.

How can we stand up to them? How can we demand change?

Big names are in this and from my view profit/money seems to be the main factor.

I believe this county is better than selling out for profit.

Alex Winchester
