Father Alexis Miller’s recent column is badly flawed, and others have addressed this already. The idea that to despise former President Donald Trump means a person is against Christianity is just plain wrong. The idea that Trump is the savior of U.S. Christianity is almost laughable, except many of our freedoms are being taken.
As a pre-Trump Christian I still believe adultery (cheating) is sin, and even worse, he did it at least twice while his then-wives were in childbirth. Lying is still a sin to me, as are repeated corrupt business practices which cost others thousands of dollars. Apparently, Father Miller and his ilk consider being against abortion a “get out of sin free” card.
Character does count, or at least it used to. I don’t want the Savior of U.S. Christianity to be unable to get a job at a local store due to felonies, not able to carry a gun yet be commander-in-chief, or too immoral to be an usher at a local church, as he’s never needed forgiveness for adultery and Lord knows what else.
Is changing a lifelong position on abortion the modern equivalent of an indulgence?
Randall Pickering