Your View

Letter: Yard signs promote conversations, collaboration


Thank you to all who contributed to the Support Local Law Enforcement signs. The response was tremendous. I have been blown away by your eagerness to show our officers how much they are appreciated. The words of support, encouragement and respect for our officers clearly show that our men in blue, including our sheriff’s department and our state police, are valued.

While the support has been great, I have seen that there is some misinterpretation of what the signs say. They simply say exactly what is on the sign. They do not say, or intend to imply, that we are for law enforcement and against another group. It is not one “side” against another. There are no “sides” to the signs.

On Aug. 24 the Journal Review printed an editorial cartoon depicting two yards, one with a We Support Our Local Police sign and a BLM sign, side by side. The neighbor looks at them with skepticism. The signs owner says, “If you think they conflict maybe it’s you with the problem.”

I hope the signs will promote more conversation about the need to work together, not against each other to make the changes needed in our local and national communities.

Bonnie Mills
