
Local committee working on MXoN event


The motocross world will be coming to Ironman Raceway for the 2025 Monster Energy Motocross of Nations at Ironman Raceway on Oct. 2-5. The event will include teams representing nearly 50 countries competing in an “Olympics” atmosphere.

Several individuals and groups are busy making plans for the big weekend. The local organizing committee has been meeting regularly since November 2024.

Crawfordsville Mayor Todd Barton is leading the organizing committee. Part of the job is making sure the estimated 45,000 race fans and the local community is safe and well prepared for the biggest sporting event in the history of Montgomery County.

So far, groups involved in the committee include state, county and city law enforcement agencies, MXoN representatives, Indiana Department of Transportation, medical services, Montgomery County Visitors Bureau and several individuals.

Local emergency services are making plans to provide emergency coverage at the track but also ensuring services will be available to take care of emergency situations that occur daily in the county.

Plans are underway to have a parade Oct. 3. The countries’ teams will be introduced. The hope is to have  a parade that encompasses all aspects of Montgomery County and Indiana racing. Plans include obtaining a well-known Indiana sports figure as the parade’s grand marshal.

Experts at the Indianapolis 500 are on board and offering advice to help the community pull off a successful event. Also, the Indiana Sports Corporation is offering its help. The corporation is the major entity that puts on big events in Indianapolis such as the Super Bowl, Big Ten tournaments and more.

One duty of the committee is to find community volunteers to help assure visitors are greeted and helped as needed. All types of groups, such as youth groups, sports teams, friends groups and individuals will be needed. Jobs include helping at the different venues, Friday’s parade, welcome booths to answer visitor question and more. More information on how to become a volunteer will be released soon.

Local hotels are cooperating. The committee has also reached out to areas such as Brownsburg that will be affected by the increased housing demand for the race weekend.

Local campgrounds are being notified to expect an increase in campers.

Campers who stay at the track will find themselves assigned to spots along newly named lanes. This is an effort to assist emergency personnel responding to calls.

Local residents also will have the opportunity to rent their own homes to race fans. More information will soon be released.

Tim Cotter, who is well known for directing events at Ironman Raceway, is the local director for MXoN.

Last fall, several Montgomery County MXoN volunteers traveled to the 2024 race in England. The group was able to learn more about the magnitude of MXoN and they are using the experience to ensure the Montgomery County event will be successful.