The Maple Grove Homemakers met April 15 at the Waynetown Baptist Church with seven members present. The meeting was opened by President Linda Miller and members reciting the Pledge to the American Flag, Homemaker’s Creed. Roll call was answered with, “Do you hunt for morel mushrooms?” and most everyone did a few years ago.
Inspiration was given by Miller on how we need to keep “marching forward” and focus on the future as we march forward.
Secretary minutes were read and approved. A treasurer report was given, and International Coins for Friendship, dues and Nickels for Indiana Leadership had been sent to the county treasurer.
We had five members attend the Spring Tea which was held at the 4-H Building. The theme this year was “Singing in the Rain.” They talked about how pretty the decorations looked. There was nothing except wonderful commits on how good the tea tasted. The Southmont High School chorus presented a program, and only great reviews were heard.
Sign-up sheet for county committees was presented by Miller. Honor club, member and club anniversaries were discussed.
The culture arts exhibits for Achievement Night entrees need to be at the 4-H Building between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. May 20. Everyone was encouraged to participate.
Achievement Night will be May 21 and reservations need to be submitted by May 10 to Monica Buckles along with the cost of the meal which will be $18. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. Crescendos will present a program at 6 p.m. and the meal catered by Sunshine In A Box will follow.
Refreshments were served by Linda Miller, Carol Crowder and Rita Kirkpatrick.
Maple Grove’s next meeting will be at 1 p.m. May 20 at the 4-H Building and following the meeting we will decorate for Achievement Night.