The Maple Grove Homemakers met at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 21 at the home of Betty Jeffers with 10 members present. The meeting was opened by President Linda Miller welcoming everyone.
We recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, the Extension Homemaker Creed, the IEHA Mission Statement and the Pledge to the Christian Flag. The roll call was answered with, “What is your favorite breakfast food?” The secretary report was given by Rita Kirkpatrick. Jeffers gave the treasurer report. Inspiration was given by Eileen Matricia on the beauty of trees and the season.
Miller passed out a pre-order sheet for noodles. The cost for the noodles will be $5.50 per quart bag. Jeffers will mail noodle order with money to the County Treasurer Miller also passed around a sheet for members to sign up for the bake sale at Holiday Expo. She also encouraged members to bring additional items. Holiday Expo will be held Saturday at the 4-H Building between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Remember the bake sale is the biggest fundraiser for the year and it is a team effort. Bring your items to the 4-H Building 5-7 p.m. Friday or 7:30-8:30 a.m. Saturday.
Also do not bring soft pies. Make a list of all ingredients in your item. This would include nuts or anything that is sugar free or gluten free. We need to think about people that could have allergies to certain ingredients. Cookies can be put in 1-2 dozen packages, or 2-4 cookies, depending on the size of cookie. We have a volunteer from our club to work from 11 a.m. until they are sold out. Caterer for Holiday Expo will be Sunshine in a Box.
The State President’s Project is “Boxes of Care.” We have enough supplies to make 500 boxes in Montgomery County. Each club is to decide how many they can assemble. These will be given to the homeless and those in need. Each box starts with a plastic box and then filled with, toothbrush, toothpaste, two packets of hand wipes, band aids and a card explaining where the box came from.
Nutritional Education Program will be held Nov. 22 at the Whitesville Christian Church. Registration starts at 9 a.m., breakfast and program to follow. It is a special day for the 25 clients who have meet the requirements in finishing the classes. They will each take home two boxes filled with food and the other with personal hygiene and household products. This project is being reinstated and was known as FNP Holiday Event.
Our meeting on Nov. 18 will be held 1:30 p.m. at the Waynetown Baptist Church and will be hosted by Minnie Howard and Matricia. We will be collecting can goods at this meeting.
Our Dec. 16 meeting will be held at noon at the 4-H Exhibit Hall. It will be a pitch-in dinner. You will need to bring items for Bingo after our lunch.
We ended our meeting with our yearly auction which is our money maker for the year. Sandra Lightle was our auctioneer again and did a bang-up job. We had a lot of different items and lots of bidding. It was a fun time with laughter and just a good old time for everyone.