
Maple Grove Extension Homemakers


The Maple Grove Homemakers met at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 18 at the Waynetown Baptist Church with nine members present. The meeting was opened by President Linda Miller welcoming everyone to the meeting. We started by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, the Extension Homemaker Creed, and the IEHA Mission Statement. Miller shared with us information on the symbol of the

Sunflower and how it follows the sun each day. The roll call was answered with, “What is your go-to side for Thanksgiving dinner?”

The secretary report was given by Rita Kirkpatrick and accepted as read. Betty Jeffers gave the treasurer report. Jeffers also reported that at our auction last month we made $137 and everyone brought treasures and then went home with new treasures. Jeffers will give a check to Judy McBride to purchase gift certificates to give to Sommers Elementary School for those in need. Inspiration was given by Eileen

Matricia on macular degeneration of the eyes. There were a lot of big words used but it all boiled down to we need to take care of our eyes and have them checked at least once a year or whenever the eyes tellus they need help.

Miller thanked everyone that carried baked goods for Holiday Expo and those that worked at Expo. Judy Tulley advised that there are still nuts available if anyone wants to purchase them. The noodle making girls filled 383 quart bags and they were all sold.

The State President’s Project “Boxes of Care” was explained by Tulley and Montgomery County Extension Homemakers will make and distribute 500 boxes. They have been paid for by local donations. They are due to be filled and turned in by June 25, 2025. This is one of our local service projects. We donated canned goods for our service project this month.

The Nutritional Educational Program for Montgomery County setup wil be Nov. 22 at Whitesville Christian Church and is headed by chairman Debbie Threlkeld. The program and meal will be held Nov. 23.

McBride read us an old newspaper article on Thanksgiving about a turkey and a chicken being thrown from the fourth floor of the Rockville Courthouse. Was a good laugh for us all.

Miller advised that Crescendos would be presenting a program on Dec 13 at First Methodist Church and there will be a $10 admission fee and then on Dec. 15 they will perform at the Christ United Methodist Church on Pine Street and there is no admission for this performance.

Our meeting in December will be at the Exhibit Hall at the 4-H Building which will be our annual Christmas meeting and will be at noon. It will be a potluck lunch and then our usual Christmas Bingo. Don’t forget to bring some more of those treasures you have that are waiting to find a new home.

Minnie Howard and Matricia were our hostesses and they had a real treat for us to eat. Thanksgiving wishes were expressed to members and hope we all will be able to come to the Christmas meeting.