The Master Gardeners of Montgomery County would like to thank all the visitors who attended our annual plant sale and garden show May 4 at the Montgomery County 4-H fairgrounds. We had approximately 1,100 people come through our doors. We also would like to thank all the vendors who participated in making our annual event a success.
We will have several events over the summer, such as our Native Plant Jamboree, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 8 at the fairgrounds. Several vendors will be selling native plants only. Then later in June the Seed Library, a partnership of the Master Gardeners and the Crawfordsville District Public Library will have a Garden Flower Show accepting entries June 16-17, judging to follow. More information will be posted on our Facebook group, Master Gardeners of Montgomery County (Indiana). If you have not joined our Facebook group, we encourage you to do so to keep up with our upcoming events.
Sheri Bethard
Master Gardeners of Montgomery County