Club News

Montgomery County Master Gardeners


Eighteen members of the Montgomery County Master Gardeners met at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds at 6 p.m. Oct. 10 for their monthly meeting. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were given and approved. The regular monthly meeting date has been changed from the second Monday of the month to the first Monday.

Congratulations to members Sheri Bethard for achieving Extension Master Gardener status, and to Lana Presslor and Denise Ducharme for becoming Advanced Master Gardeners. These levels were achieved by completing the required education and volunteer hours.

A dessert night is being planned for the December meeting, to be enjoyed along with an educational film on bees.

The New Market Elementary Garden is buttoned up for the winter. A layer of leaf mulch has been applied. A summer of successful programming at the Nicholson Elementary School has also ended. There was great participation from the student Garden Club this year, and 1,009 pounds of produce were donated to the FISH food pantry.

Plans are underway for the 2023 plant sale, the main fundraiser for the club. The date is set for April 29 at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. A committee will be working on plans for the sale.

The by-laws committee presented the final version of the revised by-laws and the motion to approve was made and passed. Thanks were given to the committee for their hard work.

The nominating committee reported they are still working to fill the slate of officers for 2023.

Plans are underway for two new projects. A seed library, in cooperation with the Crawfordsville District Public Library, would offer educational programming and small packets of free seeds to the public. A certified Monarch Waystation is also being planned and would be located in the Master Gardener flower bed at the fairgrounds.

Final plans for the fall plant exchange on Oct. 15, 9 a.m. to noon at the fairgrounds, were discussed. This event is free and open to the public to bring in and take home plants, seeds and other gardening items. Donations will be accepted.

Following adjournment of the business meeting, Extension Educator Tricia Herr presented information on what counts as volunteer hours for Master Gardeners to maintain their status in the program. She emphasized that gardening education is the main mission of the Master Gardeners program.