
Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association


President Steve Frees welcomed members to the Oct. 14, Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association meeting held in the Crawfordsville District Public Library.

Kathy Steele introduced our guest speaker, Gina Haile from the United Way of Montgomery County. Gina developed a love of reading at a young age thanks to her parents. Gina has been instrumental in raising money to bring the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to Montgomery County. This incredible program will mail a high-quality, age-appropriate book to registered children each month. All Montgomery County children age 0-5, may register for this program which is free. Learn more at Montgomery County presently has 860 children participating in this program.

President Steve Frees called the business meeting to order. He welcomed Eleanor Brewer, a newly retired teacher from Southmont Schools. Mrs. Brewer was a dedicated educator for many years. President Frees led the Pledge of Allegiance and Darlene Dusek gave the invocation. The members approved the September minutes which were sent out by email. Barb Foster presented the treasurer’s report which was also approved. Susie Minch reported that we presently have 91 paid members. Kim Nixon reported that her committee decided to give the interest money to the Meals on Wheels program and the Isaiah House. Mary Lefebvre sent two special concern cards this month. She will be sending 25 cards to members that presently are unable to attend our meetings. Steve reported that Isaac Weliver from Frances and Mount will provide our lunch for the next meeting. The cost for the lunch will be sent to the members prior to the meeting. Janet Armbruster passed around the basket for the Volunteers for Mental Health-Teacher Friend Program.

Kim Nixon reported on the IRTA State meeting. She told us that we need to keep talking to our legislators to continue receiving our 13th check. Short notes may be sent to Brian Buchanan, our senator. Karen Patton told the group that we can live stream the Indiana Legislative sessions at IGA.IN.GOV. We are also able to see the bills that are being presented.

The next meeting will be held Nov. 11, at the library. Table decorations will be provided by Karen Patton and Marilyn Spear. Karen Thada will give the invocation. The program will be the ArchiCamp at General Lew Wallace Study presented by Tom Meeks. Donations will be collected for the Youth Service CASA program.

The meeting was adjourned.