
Nicholson garden closes out another season


The final clean up for the Nicholson Grade School vegetable and flower garden took place Oct. 8

The second and third grade students actively participated again this year with the  planting of their garden in May; and after dismissal for summer break there was the Summer Garden Club where students continued planting, and learning how to care and maintain their garden. Harvesting in July and August had the students picking the ripened produce to take home and also share with the local FISH Food Pantry.

This season kohlrabi was introduced and most everyone was anxious to give it a taste. Also new to the garden this year were the wax beans that were planted in one of the raised beds. These beans were great performers and we found how delicious they were when cooked along with the ever productive green beans.

With the support of the Master Gardeners of Montgomery County, the volunteers teach the students how to plant different vegetables, care for them once they sprout; when to harvest them; and then how to save seeds for next year’s garden.

Students learned how the weather is a major factor with regard to the success of a garden, how to water properly and to keep the weeds pulled.

This was an unusual season with a wet start and ending with drought conditions, making the harvest only half as good as last year — a total of 547 vegetables were harvested out of the garden.

Sprinkled into this season were many wonderful moments with the students; like making garden crafts, taking home bouquets of zinnias, digging for potatoes, lamenting at the chipmunks raiding the sunflower bed; and receiving award certificates for their participation.

Every year is special and rewarding to see the excitement and interest from the students as well as the parents for the “Growing Together” project … and know that the Master Gardener volunteers always come away with a bigger “harvest” than just vegetables.