NEW MARKET — Southmont kicked off its first school board meeting of the year on Monday with an abundance of faces, some old, some new.
Trustees welcomed Jason Bannon who was elected in the fall 2024 general election and replaces Cody Hargis on the seven-person board. The board voted unanimously to reinstate each of its officers and advisory team, retaining Daryl Hutson, Julie Hess, Jerry Kinkead and Eric Mason as president, vice president, secretary and assistant secretary, respectively.
Chief financial officer Kristin Charles reported the corporation earned a total of $337,431 in interest from its four accounts, noting an increase in interest rates for the main checking and money market savings accounts.
Superintendent Dr. Stephanie Hofer remarked on the corporation’s achievement of its goals regarding attendance rate, graduation rate, and IREAD scores. These achievements have been incorporated into the revised school vision, and the new year’s goals can now be found on the corporation website.
Hofer reported the corporation did not meet the 62% threshold of grant expenditure on teacher salary and benefits specified by IDOE Form 9, however indicated the calculation was an error and announced the corporation’s efforts to repeal the assessment.
Also of note, Southmont Junior High’s 6–8th grade show choir, Young Originals, opened the meeting with the pledge and an impromptu performance of “Touch the Sky” from Brave, announcing the theme of this year’s set as Pixar. They will perform at Southmont’s show choir sendoff at 7 p.m. Saturday.
The following items were approved as part of the consent agenda:
• Early Literacy Grant stipends, which incentivize K–3 teachers for improving IREAD scores
• Purchase of new scoreboard with GO bond funds and purchase of bus with bus replacement funds
• Adoption of nurse compensation scale and superintendent evaluation instrument
• 2025 school board goals
• FFA leadership trip to Trafalgar from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2
• Donations made to Ladoga Elementary totaling $246
In personnel matters, the board approved:
• The employment of Mia Myers, art teacher, Ladoga and Walnut elementaries; Cherish Covault, special education aide, New Market Elementary; Aaron Charles, sixth grade girls’ basketball coach, $2,000; Dan Hess, sixth grade girls’ basketball coach, volunteer; Dan McCormick, junior high swimming coach, $1,500; Mercedes McCormick, junior high assistant swimming coach, $1,200; and Gary Smith, junior high assistant swimming coach, volunteer.
• The resignation of Tiffany Collisi from dual credit instructor position, effective Dec. 20, 2024.
• A request for maternity leave by Cadence Nichols, effective April 28 through the end of school year
• The appointment of Ashley Halstead to Ladoga-Clark Township Library, effective Jan. 28 through Jan. 28, 2029
The board will host a special meeting at 6 p.m. Feb. 3 in the corporation board room. Next month’s regular school board meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Feb. 10.