
South school board celebrates student, staff achievements

The school board recognized students and staff for the month.
The school board recognized students and staff for the month.
Evelyn Zachary/Journal Review Photos

NEW MARKET — The Southmont school board celebrated student achievements, recognized staff contributions, and addressed pressing concerns regarding bullying and new technology at its most recent meeting on Monday.

After an opening with the pledge led by the high school girls’ basketball team, the board firstly awarded senior Addison Meadows for her achievements in golf throughout her high school career. Meadows, who last month was named the Indiana Golf Foundation’s Junior Tour Girls Player of the Year, will continue her education and golf career at Indiana Wesleyan, where she plans to major in sports medicine.

“Addison has grown up quite a bit and has been a very good leader for our younger girls on the golf team,” said Aaron Charles, athletic director. “I can’t be more proud of her and what she has done.”

Board trustee Cody Hargis was also recognized for his contributions to the corporation during his February to December term in advance of his succession by Jason Bannon.

“I have very much enjoyed being part of this board,” Hargis said. “It is a lot more work than anyone could ever imagine, and it’s not what most people think that it is. [...] There are hours upon hours that get poured into this school that you really don’t hear much about, and [trustees] all definitely have the best interests of our students first and foremost. I’m very proud of that.”

Students and staff of the month were named as follows: from Ladoga Elementary, James Miller and Becky Ambrose; from New Market Elementary, Hadley Cornelius, Dan Chadd, and Bella McIntyre; from Walnut Elementary, Elena Minor and Shari Shaw; from the junior high, Kaidyn Robbins and Brooke Phelps; and from the high school, Claire McCutchan and Shelby Olofson.

The meeting was not without public comment. A woman whose junior high daughter had experienced bullying raised concerns over the school’s enforcement of its handbook policy, which strictly prohibits bullying before,
during, and immediately after school. Another woman, whose five- and eight-year-old children had also been bullied, echoed these concerns.

Another topic of discussion was the junior high and high school’s adoption of Securly Pass, a new digital hall pass system designed to reduce the need for paper hall passes and classroom disruptions as well as improve school safety. Principals Ashley Hammond and Brooke Busenbark gave a brief report and answered questions regarding the new system.

The board unanimously approved Teacher Appreciation Grant stipends for the 2023-24 school year, which reward teachers for ratings of “effective” and “highly effective.” They additionally extended these stipends to faculty who met grant criteria but did not fall under eligible positions, including school counselors.

“Our counselors, among the other groups that fall outside of the grant, work tirelessly for our students every single day,” Dr. Hofer said.

In personnel and other matters, the board also:

• Approved the employment of Leah Sinnet, part time nurse at Ladoga and Walnut Elementaries; Chelsea Cagle, instructional aide at Walnut; Rachel Rhoads, instructional assistant at junior high; Addison Monroe, instructional aide transfer from New Market to junior high; and Bobbi Harden, transfer from instructional assistant to front office/clinical assistant at junior high.

• Accepted the resignation of Sophia Sharkey, instructional aide at New Market, effective Dec. 20.

• Approved stipends for the following amounts: Beth Binch, Walnut Elementary theater club, $1,000; Taylor Myers, Walnut Elementary student council, $1,000; Aaron Charles, 2024-25 corporate sponsorship, $2,560; Scott Dove, varsity assistant wrestling coach, volunteer; Jud VanCleave, varsity assistant wrestling coach, volunteer; Emily Stewart, varsity gymnastics coach, $2,236.50; Maddie Shaver, varsity assistant gymnastics coach, $2,236.50; and Emma Bowers, varsity assistant gymnastics coach, volunteer.

• Authorized the following trips: FFA trip to Purdue Beck’s Center for area crops contest, April 27 through May 3, 2025; high school wrestling team trip to Calumet High School (varsity) and LaPorte High School (JV), Dec. 13-14; high school wrestling team trip to Culver Academies, Jan. 24-25, 2025; high school wrestling team trip to New Castle for IHSAA semi-state competition, Feb. 14-15, 2025.

Next month’s regular school board meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Jan. 13 in the corporation board room.