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Support your immune system with food


In this day and age, it is important to make sure our immune system is working at its best to protect us from harmful bacteria and viruses, especially throughout this flu season. By now, most of us know to wash our hands frequently, avoid touching our faces, cover a cough or sneeze with our elbow and stay home if we’re not feeling well. While these precautions are unarguably necessary, what about food? In order to avoid getting sick, it is critical we consume foods that nourish our body to further support the immune system in the fight against germs.

There are six key nutrients that play a role in the immune system and influence its performance. Beta Carotene is abundant in plant foods like sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, mango, tomatoes and broccoli. Vitamin C is rich in berries and citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes, broccoli and bell peppers. Vitamin D is found largely in fatty fish and eggs. Products that are fortified with vitamin D are also great sources, like milk and 100% juices. Zinc is best absorbed from animal sources such as beef and seafood, but it can also be found in vegetarian sources like wheat germ, tofu, nuts and beans. Probiotics are referred to as “good” bacteria that promote health. Cultured dairy products such as yogurt, and fermented foods such as kimchi are sources in which probiotics are plentiful. Lastly, protein from both animal and plant-based sources support immune system. Examples of protein-rich foods include milk, yogurt, eggs, beef, chicken, seafood, nuts, beans and lentils.

To ensure your immune system is kept happy and healthy year-round, focus on a balanced eating plan. Make a goal to consume the recommended amount of five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Doing this will provide your immune system with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it needs for optimal performance all year long.


Madison Brown is a dietetic intern with the Purdue Extension Montgomery County Office. Reach her at the office 400 Parke Ave., Crawfordsville, or 765-364-6363.