God's Good News For Today

The power of prayer


Jesus moving toward the cross said, “Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. Father, glorify your name.” Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.”

It often appears that God is inactive or uninterested in the world around us. It seems at our viewpoint that men get away with all kinds of evil. When we watch the news we see all types of suffering and injustice, we are tempted to ask, “God, why don’t you do something?” Yet to Jesus Christ going to the cross for the sins of mankind, he says, “I have glorified my name and will glorify it again.”

Retired United States Marine Corps General Charles Krulak tells of a critical event in the Gulf War of 1991 in his address at the October 2000 Leadership Prayer Breakfast in Wheaton, Illinois:

“The prevailing winds in the Gulf area blow from northwest to southwest. If you attack from the southwest, your enemy can release biological weapons in the air, and the chemicals will blow right into your face. It was a tremendous concern for the military in the southwestern desert and a grave prayer concern for many, both overseas and back home.

On Feb. 21, 1991, American forces began an attack from the southwest at four in the morning. Only three hours before, the prevailing winds had shifted from southwest to northwest, exactly 180 degrees from the direction the prevailing winds normally blow. The winds blew in that direction for four days, the four days of the duration of war. Within 30 minutes of the surrender, the winds shifted back. That is the unbelievable power of prayer.”

If in prayer, you ask God to glorify His name in your life today, you can be assured that He will do it.


Dr. David Bouler of Global Faith Ministries, Chattanooga, Tennessee, contributed this column to the Journal Review. He can be reached by email at debouler@aol.com.