God's Good News For Today

What are the signs?


In the early 1970s, geologists were warning that Mount St. Helen’s would likely erupt in the near future. The mountain had been dormant since 1857. In 1978 signs were showing growing volcanic activity in the region.

Small earthquakes were detected on the morning of March 16, 1980 in the Mount St. Helen’s mountain range. They were described as early contractions of a coming event. However, almost no one paid any attention. Then on March 20, a magnitude 4.2 earthquake shook Washington State.

Soon, more signs of the coming danger emerged, earthquake activity increased , along with volcanic tremors that signaled lava moving beneath the volcano. Next, small parts of the summit begin to explode, blasting ash into the sky. This continued until April 21. Then from April 21 to May 16, these eruptions stopped. However, another ominous sign emerged. The northern face of the mountain began to expand. This bulge grew rapidly and by May 16 parts of the north face had risen by 450 feet. The state ordered people to evacuate the area and to heed the waring signs.

Heat from beneath the mountain began melting the snow off the slopes, even turning it to steam in some places. It was clear something was about to happen.

But despite the signs and warnings, some people refused to believe an eruption was coming. But on May 18, 1980, at 8:32 a.m. Local time, Mount St. Helen’s erupted with an explosion equivalent to 1,500 Hiroshima atomic bombs! One square mile of debris plunged down the mountain at 150 miles per hour. Fifty-seven people were killed in the eruption. All could have been saved if they only believed and acted. The blast devastated 220 square miles, and sent 540 million tons of ash over much of the northwestern United States.

Remember in Matthew 24, verse 3, when the disciples asked Jesus, “What shall be the signs of your coming and of the end of the world?” Jesus explained the signs of His coming will be like a woman going into labor and the contractions signs. Friends, as the time for Christ’s return approached, the signs will increase and increase until suddenly the world will go into labor pains. Study your Bible, listen to the Holy Spirit, for I believe we are living in the last days. Be ready for His coming!


Dr. David Bouler of Global Faith Ministries, Chattanooga, Tennessee, contributed this column to the Journal Review. He can be reached by email at debouler@aol.com.