Marking Milestones
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Steve and Judy House of Crawfordsville will celebrate their 60th anniversary on Aug. 8. The couple are both graduates of Ball State University and have spent the last 50 years in education. Judy … more
John and Cheryl Luzader will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Aug. 2. John and the former Cheryl Whalen were married Aug. 2, 1964, by the Rev. Morris Finch at Christ’s United … more
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Randal Radcliff would like to announce the couples’ 40th wedding anniversary. Randy Radcliff and Lori Suiter were married on June 30, 1984, at Crawfordsville. … more
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mussche would like to announce the couples’ 60th wedding anniversary. R. Wayne Mussche and Linda L. Vail were married on June 27, 1964, at Lafayette. Wayne … more

Steve and Martie Akers of Crawfordsville will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary today. They were married by the Rev. Steve Roberts at the Honey Creek United Methodist Church of Greenwood. … more
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