
Annual Sugar Creek spring cleanup a success

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More than 50 people came out to volunteer for the Sugar Creek Spring Cleanup on Saturday.

Dedicated and new volunteers joined forces to clean trash and debris along the banks of Sugar Creek including the Nature Trail, Elston Ball Diamonds, Coke Plant Launch and Sugar Creek Trail. Several groups of volunteers ventured out to Yountsville Bridge, Bachner Preserve and many streets in town. These passionate volunteers embody the spirit of environmental stewardship and community care while diligently cleaning up debris and restoring beauty to the community, one littered area at a time.

“Thank you to the employees at Acuity Brands Lighting and all the other community volunteers who volunteered their time to help,” said FSC executive director Cindy Woodall, “We would also like to thank Walden’s Trash for providing the dumpster and hauling away our collection of trash.”

The Friends of Sugar Creek is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to restoring and protecting Sugar Creek and its tributaries throughout West Central Indiana. To learn more, visit the group’s website at www.friendsofsugarcreek.org.