
Annual Veterans Expo set for Thursday


Byron Cox American Legion Post 72 will have its 28th annual Veterans Expo from 8 a.m. to noon Thursday at the post, 101 Walter Remley Drive.

Walgreens will provide high dose flu shots as well as COVID-19 shots. Vaccinations will be available to spouses of veterans as well. Bring a Medicare card and a COVID shot record to receive the immunizations. 

Sugar Creek Eye Care will provide free eye examinations and there will be many other healthcare representatives in attendance.

Veterans Service Officer Joe Ellis will be available to assist any veteran with any issues they might have.  Members of Veterans Justice Outreach, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Daughters of the American Revolution will be represented.

Hoosier Heartland State Bank has donated $500 for a 50/50 drawing for the veterans. Fifty percent will go to the veteran and the other half to the charity of his or her choice.

The DAR will presents gifts to any veteran serving during anytime from 1955-1975. Dr Sabrina Thomas will be in attendance to sign her recent book, “Scars of War,” and some students from her class at Wabash College will be on hand to help with the Expo.

Members of the Blue Star Mothers will served biscuits and gravy during the morning.

The Expo is open to all veterans and spouses. Masks are optional.