Chalk up yet another project to the artists at Abilities Services Inc — face masks.
“During the early days of COVID it became clear to our artists that we should use our art on face masks to make the new mandate a little easier,” said Michelle Leonard-Smith, CEO/executive director. “We were looking for any way to give back to our community that continues to support us.”
Soon the artists got to work, and a team selected several designs. They had to whittle the total design choices to three, which was quite a challenge. In the end, they chose a unicorn, a golden retriever and a cross design.
Sample face masks were requested and soon the team decided on a double layer mask that had a special pocket for a filter that can be changed frequently to meet CDC guidelines.
“The true challenge presented itself after the face masks were delivered — how to sell our new inventory when our buildings are closed to the public and the usual holiday bazaars are postponed,” Leonard-Smith said.
Hoosier Heartland State Bank stepped in and bought a large volume of face masks to use for various events. Tri-County Bank and Trust also has agreed to allow ASI to set up shop in its Crawfordsville locations to sell the masks to the public.
“They make great holiday gifts for anyone looking to buy a unique gift while supporting a local organization,” Leonard-Smith said. “Please stop by either Tri-County Crawfordsville branch to make a donation and select your design.”
Crawfordsville Tri-County branches are located at 101 E. South Blvd. and 224 E. Main St.