Athens offers clay creations class


Did you love playing with play dough as a kid? Do you like creating unique objects of art to amuse your family and friends? The possibilities are endless.

If the above is true, this might be the class for you. The first session will be devoted to shaping the clay. The objects will then be fired in a kiln. Second week you will glaze your creation. After the second firing, called glaze firing, you will return to the gallery to pick up your finished art work.

Bring your ideas, or look through the work of former students to get ideas. Fish sticks, bird houses, purses — it’s amazing what you can create from clay.

Mark your calendar for April 11 and April 18. Cost is $50 and covers both sessions. Choose either an afternoon session (1-3 p.m.) or an evening session (6-8 p.m.). Class is open to anyone 12 years and older. Classes meet at Athens Arts, 216 E. Main St. 

To reserve a spot, call Athens Arts at 765-362-7455 and leave your name a phone number to return your call.