Indiana State Sen. Phil Boots spoke to the Crawfordsville Rotary Club at their weekly meeting. A Senator's term is four years. Boots is retiring after serving 16 years. He told members there is quite an extensive orientation period that each new officeholder must complete. One of the committees he served on was the Petition and Labor Committee. He brought a "red.boot" to the meeting. When asked why he brought it he answered, "I was nicknamed 'Senator Red Boots' because I voted red so many times." Red is no and green is yes. The Rotarians thanked Boots for the time he served in the Indiana Senate..
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Montgomery County Commissioner John Frey spoke to the Crawfordsville Rotary Club at their regular meeting. He has been in office for six years. Working as a team has enabled the officeholders to accomplish many projects. Goals have been set and researched to help the city and the county move forward. Growing the community, job creation and residential development are some of the goals. In order to get some of the grants available, "shovel ready" areas must be ready. Frey.encouraged people to call him with ideas and questions.