Thanks & More

Christmas Dinner organizers offer gratitude


Just as it has for many a person and business this year. The Community Christmas Dinner was met with challenges ... Do we have it? Do we have dine-in? Are we going to be able to get the food and supplies in time with all the delays? Will we have enough monetary support in these trying times? Will we have enough volunteers to pull it off? Will we have more demand than we have food? What will the weather be? Now we are getting ready and county goes red? 

Well, it is over and was a challenging and stressful that day, but definitely not due to monetary support from large companies, small business, individuals. They know the need for this event and gave what they could, during this difficult time. Some going above expectations. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions and health scares, we had less than a skeleton crew to prepare the meals for delivery. I, personally, want to acknowledge and recognize ... special thanks to all who volunteered but kudos to Ruth, Tracey, Carol and Troy. Another big thanks to First Baptist Church for the use of their wonderful facilities. Also thanks to the media for keeping the information updated to the public. 

I hope that everyone stayed safe. We can only hope the approaching new year brings better times for all and the ability to be able to be together safely again.

Happy holidays to all, and wishing all a happy and healthy new year.

Joyce Fitzwater and Angelina Ball