The Crawfordsville Rotary Club had its Wednesday lunch meeting this week along with some special guests — the Southmont Rotaract Club along with the principal, coach and superintendent and Rotary member Dr Shawn Grenier.
The Rotaract club’s current president Aiden Portwood spoke and gave us an update of the club’s past and current activities.
He said due to the pandemic the club had many limits on what they were allowed to do; but, they did support the Crawfordsville Rotaries Haiti initiative, and they made a video to be distributed to sixth graders who would be coming to the middle school next year. The video had highlights of what to expect in middle school. Some Rotaract club members went to the elementary schools to answer any questions the sixth graders might have.
The lunch was a great time for all because it is the first time the two clubs had been together since before COVID-19 hit the community.
Upcoming Rotary events include:
• Wine to Water Gala on July 17. This activity supports the Haiti initiative and local children’s projects. Please see any Rotary member for tickets.
• Annual golf outing fundraiser. Funds for this go to college scholarships for one student from each county school.
• Summer concert series at Pike Place in downtown Crawfordsville.
The Crawfordsville Rotary Club meets at noon Wednesdays in the Crawfordsville Country Club.