The Rotary Club speaker this week was Anna Cope, who represents Susie’s Place Child Advocate Center, Avon. They counsel children who have been subject to child abuse in Montgomery County and surrounding areas.
She covered many different situations that would be considered as child abuse. She said the closer the child is to the abuser the harder it is for the child to come forward about any abuse they have been through. She said Indiana state law requires a person who suspects child abuse must report it to the Child Abuse Hotline or local authorities. Susie’s Place does not get involved until they have a referral from child services or by law enforcement.
Cope has been active in this job for 11 years. She said they need donations to sustain the program. Any financial help would be appreciated, call 317-995-7154.
In other news, the Rotary Club is still looking for sponsors and teams for the upcoming golf outing in July. The funds go to fund scholarships for all three county schools.
Contact Chuck Dixon at Tri-County Bank if you want to play or help.