The Crawfordsville Rotary Club would like to thank Sue Zachary from Pam’s Promise for being our guest speaker at our weekly meeting this past Wednesday. Pam’s Promise Transitional Housing Corporation is a three-to-six-month non-profit transitional housing program for homeless women and their children. The program encourages faith and family rebuilding as it works side by side with clients to teach life skills and provide the necessary tools to end homelessness.
Pam’s Promise is not an emergency shelter; women seeking transitional housing assistance are welcomed into Pam’s Promise through an application and interview process and must meet certain criteria to qualify for the program.
For additional information visit online at or email
If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a Rotarian, contact Ron Hess by email at or Tracy Lashley
The club’s mission is “Service before Self” and we are an inviting and growing club that meets at noon Wednesdays at the Masonic Temple downtown Crawfordsville.