President Karen Cook called the November meeting of the Flower Lover Garden Club to order in the social hall at St. John’s Church. She thanked the hostesses Jo Anderson, Dorothy Fogel and Margie Staton. The membership enjoyed refreshments with a Thanksgiving theme and the tables were decorated with fall flower arrangements.
After refreshments, Cook opened the business meeting. Thirty-three members were present. Treasurer Lana Presslor gave the treasurer’s report. November birthdays were acknowledged.
Three sign-up sheets were passed around: suggestions for trips and speakers, the December Christmas party and hostess for the 2024 meetings.
Cook reminded members that dues are $25 and the Christmas lunch is $20. Presslor will be happy to take a check for $45.
The nominating committee of Meribeth Kussmaul, chair, Teresa Huxhold and Marty Heinold presented the slate of officers for 2024. Cook, president; Denise Ducharme, vice president; Janet Linton, secretary; and Carolyn Fisher, historian. The nominating committee made a motion to accept the slate of officers recommended for 2024. Dianne Lowe seconded the motion. All were in favor of the new officers for 2024.
Paula Furr reported that greenery will be provided for the downtown planter decorations for the holidays. Members will be notified when the greenery will be available. Pots should be decorated before the Downtown Party Night on Nov. 25. There are five downtown pots still available for members to adopt and care for.
The annual Christmas party lunch will be Dec. 6 at the Crawfordsville Country Club. The price of the lunch for members will be $20. The actual price is more, but the club is paying the difference using the money earned from the October plant garden action. No refund after Nov. 22. The menu will consist of choice of soup, two salads, a fruit platter, several choices of sandwiches and dessert. Members were reminded to bring a wrapped dirty Santa gift of $20 value. The Christmas luncheon will begin at 11 a.m.
Honorary club member Doris White recently passed away. Doris had been member since 1976. She will be remembered with a flower arrangement at her memorial service.
Bring 10 self-addressed, stamped envelopes to receive mailed newsletters to Ruth Hallett.