Club News

Flower Lovers Club


The Flower Lovers Club held its June meeting at Milligan Park. President Paula Furr opened the meeting. A sign-up sheet for the July trip to Allisonville Nursery was passed around. Twenty-nine answered roll call giving their favorite flavor of ice cream. Box lunches were from The Table. It was announced that Teri Trinkle and Myrna Slinker are recovering. June hostesses were Marty Heinold, Karen Cook, Margo Campanelli and Judy Fiely.

June birthdays are Belinda Grimble, Nancy Bowes, Sandy Lewien, Amita Arnold, Annette Emerson and Dorothy Fogel. The club welcomed two new members Andrea Grady and Mary Rushton.

Jo Anderson gave out rule sheets for the July 10 flower show to be held at the Farmer’s Market. The plant auction closed out our picnic in the park. A wide variety of annuals and perennials were available to add to our gardens.

The next meeting will be the trip to Allisonville Nursery on July 7.