Hoosier Heartland State Bank held its Seventh annual Shared Values Awards at Stone Creek Lodge last month. A combined total of $34,000 was donated to local non-profits during the awards ceremony.
Beyond Homeless Inc. was announced as the winner of HHSB’s 2021 Shared Values Award, receiving a $5,000 donation. Crawfordsville Adult Resource Academy and New Beginnings Child Care took home second and third place, receiving $2,500 and $1,000 respectively.
“HHSB’s donation allows us to provide essential items like milk, eggs and cheese to the families in the shelter,” said Lea Durbin, executive director of Beyond Homeless Inc. “I am sincerely grateful they chose to invest in the lives of the individuals and families we serve.”
The Shared Values Awards asks for the public’s nominations of non-profits who share the same values and vision that Hoosier Heartland State Bank lives by. Approximately 250 nominations were received nominating 50 different organizations in Putnam and Montgomery counties.
“This event is a great way to get the entire community involved in making some great things happen for our local non-profits,” said Trey Etcheson, HHSB board chairman. “This is one of my favorite events because so many people are helped through these amazing organizations.”
During the awards ceremony, nine employee-owners were also recognized for their outstanding commitment to HHSB’s Mission, Vision, and Values. These awards were voted on by their peers, and each were given the honor of awarding a donation to a local non-profit of their choice.
Recipients of the 2021 Mission, Vision and Values Awards were:
• Mission Award First Place: Jill Pettit ($5,000 to Community Paramedicine Program)
• Mission Award Second Place: Jeff Kiger ($2,500 to Mary Allison Children’s Trust)
• Mission Award Third Place: Ray Claycomb ($1,000 to He-Men)
• Vision Award First Place: Marj Froedge ($5,000 to Achaius Ranch)
• Vision Award Second Place: Hannah Olin ($2,500 to Women’s Resource Center)
• Vision Award Third Place: Nate Cravens ($1,000 to Montgomery County Youth Service Bureau)
• Values Award First Place: Cody Hargis ($5,000 to Montgomery County Educational Foundation)
• Values Award Second Place: Heather Hites ($2,500 to Christ 180 Church G1 Local Outreach)
• Values Award Third Place: Elizabeth Stokes ($1,000 to Montgomery County United Marching Band & Guard)